It’s Peanut Butter Falcon and Doughnut Time!

The Peanut Butter Falcon came as a complete surprise to me – I hadn’t even seen the trailer but I knew that it involved wrestling, which was enough of a hook to agree to pre-book tickets for the Prince Charles Cinema (it’s one of those films that didn’t really make it to the multiplexes). StarringContinueContinue reading “It’s Peanut Butter Falcon and Doughnut Time!”

Happy Birthday Collectif! Celebrating 17 years of retro repro style at the Commercial Street party

When I say I love vintage clothes, it’s not *strictly* true. I love vintage style clothes but a lot of the ones I own are modern reproductions – which are generally cheaper and easier to find. One of my favourite brands is London-based Collectif – my wardrobe is jam packed their items, from delicious day wear to evening eleganza.

Black and white desert death chases and vegetarian comic sans: Jenny’s Mad Max Fury Road Black and Chrome birthday party

My uni buddy Jenny was the first person to ever take me to an ‘independent’ cinema, the Cambridge Picturehouse to see Saw (does anyone else remember those ads – ‘See Saw’? Genius). Fittingly, for her Thirtiehemehehehemth Birthday, she requested that a group of friends watch the re-release of one of her recent favourites, 2015’s Mad Max Fury Road, in Black and Chrome edition at Screen on the Green near Angel.