Tiki Time with Vendula in Crete

As you know from previous blogs, there are two things I am a big fan of: tikis and Vendula London. So you can imagine my excitement when my favourite novelty bag company decided to release their own tiki range!

Cannes you dig it? Lions Festival & vaycay with the folks

I work in ‘the media’ and thus it is pretty much par for the course that I attend the annual Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity/fun fair. This year however had extra significance as it was my last hurrah with my beloved ex-colleagues so I wanted to make sure I made the most of it. IContinueContinue reading “Cannes you dig it? Lions Festival & vaycay with the folks”

Rome with the CSquad: unicorns, trophy girling and crashing a Made in Chelsea photoshoot

I love my job – this is a bittersweet acceptance, the reason of which will become more apparent in future posts. I have never before worked with such a diverse, friendly group of weirdos and every day I get to create stuff (articles, videos, tea rounds), which is the only thing I really know howContinueContinue reading “Rome with the CSquad: unicorns, trophy girling and crashing a Made in Chelsea photoshoot”

Desperados & 9ème concept digital art launch in Paris

I spent two days in Paris for an all-inclusive trip to see a new digital art experience – no big deal. I don’t know how I can write about this without sounding like a massively pretentious twat… ah well, here goes.  I was lucky enough to get invited by Paris-based agency MNSTR to see theContinueContinue reading “Desperados & 9ème concept digital art launch in Paris”